Rabu, 03 Oktober 2018


BQT's goal is to build a crypto trader community and culture that utilizes our Platform, helps the community and benefits from the community. Therefore BQT provides a safe, interactive and flexible P2P Trading Environment and an easy-to-use interface for the community to manage various types of transactions consisting of many crypto assets. The BQT platform enables traders globally to negotiate their Crypto Asset trades directly interacting with each other and sharing their experiences with the community. To increase ownership of various Crypto Assets, BQT introduced the Hedge Trades system. Unlike Margin and Futures Trading, the BQT Hedge Trade system is a flexible method for Traders acquiring Crypto Assets for a short period of time by storing their existing Crypto ownership.


The BQT P2P platform utilizes the safe and decentralized benefits of Blockchain, providing flexible functionality for traders around the world.

Each module and database is programmed using various encryption methods and ensures confidentiality and protection for traders. The 2FA configuration is the setting needed for each Trader Profile.


600,000,000 Tokens will be frozen and will only be released as needed for company expansion, Marketing and Loyalty Programs to maintain liquidity of tokens (up to 10% per year).

  • Publik - 57,5% 
  • Pendiri dan Manajemen - 20% 
  • Penasihat ICO dan Pemasar Bounty - 2% 
  • Perusahaan - 20,5%

  • Technology - 45%
  • Marketing / Expansion - 35%
  • Operation - 12%
  • Others - 8%

Further information on the project:
Website : https://bqt.io/
Whitepaper : https://bqt.io/assets/pdf/whitepaper.pdf
ANN : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4855053.msg44205944#msg44205944
Twitter : https://twitter.com/bqt_ico
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/BQTPROJECT/
Telegram : https://t.me/BQTCommunity

Bitcointalk Username: Gomugomunomi
Bitcointalk Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1197341
Eth Address: 0x3779eC321d90CE5D5C7C3Cc86AaDab308dA8543f

Selasa, 02 Oktober 2018


Bravo is the perfect creation software for the money transfer platform between users. Using BlockChein allows you to perform any transaction with criptoexchange efficiently and quickly. Secure payment, not definitive, extremely fast: this is the decentralized platform of Bravo for its customers. The developers have done everything to make transactions as safe and efficient as possible: intellectual contracts protect money against fraudulent attacks and guarantee the execution of transactions.

Characteristics of the Bravo platform is universal: it will be able to use all companies and customers interested in fast and secure payments, using cryptography. If we consider the existing centralized services, they are all true intermediaries and require serious payment for their services. In this case, Bravo is a unique software with a simple interface and low service costs. Each customer pays only 2% of the amount - no commission so low.

Developers interested in developing their platform-based applications can use the API, the project creators provided that option and did their best to implement it correctly. way.

There are many results that will ensure the stable operation of the restructuring project in its development phase. Access to the global market will be easy and secure. Bravo will be the ideal place to create a stable community where people can safely make any payment required with their own kriptovlyutnye property.

Details Bravo ICO: Jobs
The upcoming sale of Bravo has not yet been announced, but it was announced that the company had 1,000 million BOV sellers. The main amount will be used for software development (45%), marketing (20%), storage (20%), operating expenses (9%), court costs (3%) and other minor issues (3%).

Each BVO token will cost $ 0.10 and you will have to whiten the process. Know your client and wash your money before investing. It is important to note that although a company based in the United States, US citizens can not make sales under applicable law. Citizens from Canada, Singapore and China are also banned in the ICA.

Team Bravo and teammates

Bravo's leadership team is led by Maria Del Sarmen Luna (co-founder and CEO) and dr. Hector Rodriguez-Luna (co-founder and CEO). Other key members of the team are Elmer Morales (CTO), Steven Cornejo (Product Manager) and Vitaly Marusenko (Community Manager).

Other key members include Paul Nguyen (chief architect), Tanmei Shahane (programmer), Robert Lunny (CFO) and Adam Swanton (customer strategy manager).

The Bravo partners are Techcrunch magazine Macworld, Observer, ABC and Phoenix Economics. This is like a good investment in case you want to use the services of this company. Since this could be a utility token, it will not be something you buy for a higher price, but to get a discount when you use the Bravo service, so the key factor to consider.

Further information on the project:

Bitcointalk Username: Gomugomunomi
Eth Address: 0x3779eC321d90CE5D5C7C3Cc86AaDab308dA8543f

Senin, 01 Oktober 2018

Papusha Rocket - ICO

Apa itu Papusha?

Papusha Rocket ICO - adalah teknologi terbaru untuk menghancurkan residu kilang minyak di seluruh dunia. Alih-alih menghancurkan flora dan fauna, kilang mendapatkan bensin dan solar untuk dijual.
PRT ICO memproduksi unit pengilangan minyak berkapasitas kecil untuk mengolah bahan bakar minyak hitam dan menghasilkan bahan bakar cair dengan menggunakan teknologi pembakaran transonik. Setiap kilang hari di seluruh dunia menghasilkan 1,35 juta ton residu. Tergantung pada kapasitasnya, satu unit PRT-2 memproses 30-90 ton limbah per hari. Pasar membutuhkan lusinan ribu unit PRT-2.
Penting untuk disebutkan bahwa ini hanya tentang daur ulang residu baru, yang memungkinkan tidak menyebabkan polusi tambahan di planet kita. Pemrosesan simpanan dan danau yang terakumulasi membutuhkan volume yang beberapa kali lebih tinggi dari ini.

Bagaimana cara kerjanya?
  1. Pengolahan minyak menghasilkan banyak residu, yang sedikit digunakan dan merupakan ancaman bagi ekologi seluruh planet. Kilang minyak (kilang) menuangkan residu ke dalam wadah khusus atau yang disebut "kolam penyimpanan". Dengan demikian, mereka sangat merusak lingkungan dan mencabut keuntungan potensial dari prosesnya.
  2. Unit pengolahan PRT-2 berukuran kecil menggunakan isi dari kolam seperti bahan mentah. Residu minyak diproses pada suhu tinggi (lebih dari 1.000 ^ ะก) pada kecepatan transonik (~ 1.000 m / detik) dengan menambahkan kotoran khusus. Dalam kondisi seperti itu, zat yang diproses mengalami perubahan fisik-kimia radikal, yang sebagian besar berubah menjadi gas sintetis. Selanjutnya, substansi memasuki unit pendingin, di mana produk yang berguna disintesis (minyak tanah, bensin, minyak, dll.). Dalam hal ini uap air yang tidak berbahaya dan karbon dioksida dilukiskan ke atmosfer.
  3. Bahan baku berharga yang diperoleh dengan cara yang ramah lingkungan dikumpulkan dalam tangki khusus yang siap untuk transportasi dan penjualan lebih lanjut.

Karena dimensi kecil PRT-2, adalah mungkin untuk bekerja di tempat-tempat di mana residu disimpan dan dengan mudah mengubah lokasi. Otonomi memungkinkan untuk memasang unit secepat mungkin.

  • Penjualan Pribadi : 01.06.2018 - 22.08.2018
  • ICO : 22.08.2018 - 22.10.2018
  • Nama Token : PRT
  • Blockchain : Ethereum
  • Standart : ERC20
  • Hard Cap : 13500 ETH
  • Jumlah total token : 100 000 000
  • Tersedia untuk dijual : 75%
  • Harga per token : 1 ETH = 3500 PRT
Token yang tidak terjual akan dibakar!

Distribusi dana:
Total: 100.000.000 PRT
  1. Untuk dijual: 75.000.000 PRT (75%)
  2. Cadangan tim: 18.000.000 PRT (18%)
  3. Bounty: 2.000.000 PRT (2%)
  4. Penasihat: 5.000.000 PRT (5%)
  1. Awal perhitungan ilmiah tentang pemrosesan produk minyak,
  2. Menguji teknologi di basis berdiri di Dolgoprudny, dan
  3. Pengujian berhasil diselesaikan, pengembangan lebih lanjut, dan peningkatan teknologi.
  1. Penyelesaian perhitungan, sistematisasi hasil yang diperoleh,
  2. Menyiapkan rencana bisnis, mencari mitra.
2018, Q1
  1. Persiapan untuk ICO,
  2. Membentuk tim, pendaftaran dokumentasi teknis,
  3. Mengembangkan kontrak pintar dan ekonomi token.
2018, Q2
  1. Peluncuran ICO,
  2. Kampanye pemasaran,
  3. Melakukan penjualan pribadi.
2018, Q3
  1. Papusha Rocket Technology ICO,
  2. Pengenalan token PRT untuk dipertukarkan, dan
  3. Pengembangan dokumentasi pemeliharaan.
2018, Q4
  1. Memproduksi dan membeli peralatan dan komponen yang diperlukan,
  2. Membuat dan mengkonfigurasi unit PRT-2-30 pertama, dan
  3. Sertifikasi, memperoleh spesifikasi teknis untuk koneksi.
  1. Peluncuran produksi massal unit PRT-2, penjualan pertama,
  2. Pengembangan modul untuk memproses batubara coklat, dan
  3. Bekerja dalam beradaptasi dan menerapkan generator gas yang menyediakan listrik murah untuk penambangan.

Tim pengembang dan ilmuwan
  • Anatoly I. Papusha - Penulis proyek dan pengembang.
  • Igor A. Papusha - Insinyur-ekologi.
  • Vladimir V. Davydenko - Kepala proyek Papusha ICO.
  • Igor Klimov - Manajer proyek.
  • Valery S. Petrosyan - Doktor Ilmu Kimia.

  • Angelia Le
  • Naviin Kapoor
  • Petr Myachin
  • Andrey Lapato
  • Maksim Mishchenko
  • Yuri P. Grigoryev
  • Mikhail Ya. Lemeshev

Untuk infirmasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi link dibawah ini.

Website :https://papusha.io/
Whitepaper : https://papusha.io/files/Whitepaper_ENG.pdf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Papusha-Rocket-Technology-241396259943698
Twitter : https://twitter.com/papushatech
Telegram : https://t.me/prt_chat



Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1197341

Eth Address: 0x3779eC321d90CE5D5C7C3Cc86AaDab308dA8543f

Minggu, 30 September 2018


What is weiDex?
weiDex is a full featured decentralized exchange (DEX). This ensures the highest possible security, full transparency, and open source logic. Every operation on weiDex is completely safe and risk free. We will make decentralized exchanges widely and foremost used a method for transferring crypto assets safely.

Vision  :

  • provide the best service to our clients, from user interface and user experience to usability and performance.
  • create a great and strong community with bold dreams like us.

The primacy of  weiDex  is:

  1. All assets and trade logic are stored in blockchain. No one can manipulate your trades and accounts.
  2. You get a referral bonus of 20% of the exchange trading fee. All your referrals are stored in blockchain, so they can not be changed.
  3. We will have very low trading costs – between 0.1% – 0.2%. We will give you a cheap listing fee as well (for the new ERC20 tokens).
  4. We have cloud-based systems and blockchain. Our products will be ready to operate 24/7, 365 days a year. There will be no downtime or system maintenance time.
  5. For us the most important is the satisfaction of our customers. Therefore we will provide 24 hour support and we will fix the problem.
  6. We want to give you the best and most friendly way to trade. We were taken to undergo Double Order Fulfillment! This means you can set up an order and will take as many transactions as necessary to fulfill and you will pay for just one transaction. This was never done in other decentralized exchanges. This will save user time and cost.
  7. We are open to token blockchain and coin … We have a great technical team, so we can register new coins within 24 hours after request, with very cheap price. If you have a new token feel free to contact our team!
  8. When we sign up for a new token, we’ll charge the creator for a fee. With this token fee, we will provide fresh airdop new tokens to our loyal customers.

Low Cost

Compared to other platforms that require great procedures and large pocket pieces, weiDex is cost effective and minimizes wasted time. This is because the platform is made in a very fast and efficient network blockchain. You will only be charged a small amount or no amount so it makes you spread your own payment service. Even more, after a certain amount of volume is reached, there will be no cost. For example if everyday the exchange volume is 1000 ETH, then all trades will be completely free.
We revive Double Order Fulfillment! This means you can set orders for a certain amount and our smart contract will make sure to take as many transactions as necessary to fulfill your request, when you get it charged for just one transaction. This is a time-saving and cost-effective feature for all users.
Token information:  

Name: weiDex
Token symbol: WDX
Total inventory: 50 000 000 WDX
Token Type – ERC-827 (extended ERC20)
Decent Token – 18
WeiDex can not guarantee all prospective buyers will be able to get the allocation they want during the Token Sold, where the maximum limit is about $ 15 million.

That number of tokens sold during Token Sales will come from total pool sales of 30,000,000 WDX.
For successful token sales to reach token hard hats, the intended distribution would be as follows:
Our customers will receive air deposits based on their trading volume. That the total number of tokens to be provided as airdrop is 5,000,000 WDX.

Distribution of Financial Sales Affairs

Most funds will continue research & development exchanges, while the remaining portion will be used to raise awareness about decentralized exchanges.
Some of the key costs include:
  • Development Development Cost – most will be allocated to salaried employees and contractor fees to develop and secure the software.
  • Marketing and Communication Costs – gaining target audience attention using slogans, packaging designs, celebrity endorsements and general media exposure.
Tito Titov
People are proactive and energetic with a positive attitude and thinking outside the box. Visionary and dreamer, with strong leadership and motivation skills … Blockchain enthusiasts.
Krasimir Raykov
Blockchain Architect
5+ years of experience in system development, back-end development and a strong grasp of statically typed languages ​​like Java, C ++ and Solidity.

Rali Ralev
Fullstack developers are experienced with never ending energy. Proficient in system administration and scripting languages. Ninja Ruby on Rails developers and automation experts.
Pavel Angelov
Senior developer
Pavel is a team player. He specializes in cloud integration and full stack JS ninja. He has worked for companies such as Telerik and Chaos Group.

Stiliyan Dimov
Blockchain expert
The web developer stacks full of 5 years of experience. Passionate about blockchain and latest technology.Great knowledge of Java, Solidity, and Database.

Svetlin Nakov
Co-Founder, Innovation and Inspiration Manager at SoftUni, Coach Blockchain and Consultant. Chairman of the Bulgarian Software Developer Association.

Krystelle Galano
Marketing Advisor
Studying Mass Communications at the University of Manila. Has more than 5 years experience in social media management, and also offers experience in crypto and blockchain.

Stavri Georgiev
Co-Founder and CCO at TICKEY | Founder & Head of Design Department at EYAS DESIGN. Stavri is a passionate brand developer and product designer.

Kalin Iliev
Co-Founder and Creative Director at EYAS DESIGN & founder of WonderSwamp. Successful international design project for Mercedes-Benz & Oracle Bulgaria.

Petar Kiryakov
Law advisor
The lawyer at the Sofia bar association. He has substantial experience in business transactions, claims of liability, prosecution or defense of lawsuits, or legal rights and obligations.

George Koynov
Creative Creative Writer
George brings his experience for over 15 years as a creative copywriter in a number of multinational advertising agencies (J. Walter Thompson Sofia, Ogilvy Frankfurt, Edelman Berlin).

For more info visit the following link :

Bitcointalk Username: Gomugomunomi
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1197341
Eth Address: 0x3779eC321d90CE5D5C7C3Cc86AaDab308dA8543f

Sabtu, 29 September 2018

DataXchain The Best Blockchain Based Decentralized Data Trade Service

What is DataXchain?

DataXchain is “Blockchain-based Decentralized Data Trade Service”. DataXchain provides a tailored-matching service between Data Owner and Data User with our unique “Intelligent Matching Engine (IME)”.

As the Data Owner uploads My Data (Image & Sound), Data Enrichment process(Labeling & Cataloguing) is initiated, to transform the Raw Data to findable Digital Asset. With the recommend & search function the Data User decides to purchase the Digital Asset. After the purchase decision, Smart Contract is automatically executed and paid DataXchain Token (DXCT) is delivered to the Data Owner. Then the Data User acquires data download authorization to download purchased data as many times he/she desires.

Why DataXchain?

  1. User-Friendliness Provides simplified upload procedure as well as potential value viewer service on the website and mobile APP.
  2. Intelligence Smart data handling: With advanced AI & Big Data technology, allows automatic matching as well as cataloging service (DataXchain Engine).
  3. Agility Strong & quick service process: DataXchain enables simultaneous yet massive process through various open source projects participation such as Ethereum Sharding project.
  4. Flexibility Provides Seamless service to provide stable service & Flexible software architecture for the high-tech application.
  5. Security enhancement & real-time tracking: DataXchain enforces security with Smart Contract powered by Blockchain network and separate key-value storage.
  6. Accuracy Prevents filter bubble with automatic matching process based on the diverse hybrid algorithm.
  1. DataXchain is a “Blockchain-based Decentralized Data Trade Service”. DataXchain provides a tailored matching service between Data Owners and Data Users through our unique Intelligent Matching Engine (IME) and transactions are facilitated and recorded by Smart Contracts.
  2. Following a purchase decision, a Smart Contract is automatically executed and a paid DataXchain Token (DXCT) is delivered to the Data Owner. Then, the Data User acquires data download authorization to download purchased data as many times he or she desires.
Data Matching Service

DataXchain offers a seamless P2P data matching service for Data Owners with image and sound sources and Data Users (public or private).

  1. DataXchain ensures that personal data will be delivered to the right destination. Digital assets uploaded directly from the Data Owner or data converted with the Data Enrichment process are recommended to the Data User with DataXchain’s Intelligent Matching Engine. To ensure a smooth decision-making process, both a search and a preview function are also provided to all users.
  2. The Smart Contract is executed to guarantee a secure and accurate purchase process. The Data Owner receives a fine amount of DataXchain Tokens (DXCT) for sold data. Every transaction is recorded on the distributed ledger as immutable purchase evidence, thus minimizing the risk of fraud.
Data Enrichment

One of the features of DataXchain that distinguishes it from other similar platforms is its powerful, one-of-its-kind technology that powers the “Data Enrichment Process”. Through this patented technology, DataXchain is able to transform raw data into highly defined Digital Assets, which constitute a distinguishable, tradeable form of data. For instance, under the process, a simple photo or video can be assigned a complete package of attributes under the system’s hyper-sensitive analytical tools which can capture even the smallest details in photos and videos. The result makes it easier for Data Users to find what they want down to the most precise attributes, while Data Owners will experience a higher pick-up rate for their data.
  • Just as crude oil is refined into gasoline, DataXchain brings the commercialization of My Data to a whole new level.
  • This is expected to be a key driver of conversion and usage, which underpins the success of every platform. For a more detailed explanation of the Data Enrichment technology.
Data Wallet

DataXchain has a wallet function that empowers users to take control of their data and sell them through the DataXchain network. Apart from displaying the amount of DXCT users have, users are also able to inspect the potential value of Digital Assets in DXCT and trace every transaction, in the usage history.

for more information visit the following link : 

Authored . Gomugomunomi
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1197341
Eth Address : 0x3779eC321d90CE5D5C7C3Cc86AaDab308dA8543f

Kamis, 27 September 2018

Platio - Smart Banking Ecosystem

About Platio
The Platio biological community will be founded on a versatile and web interface that continually works where clients will have every one of the information and apparatuses required readily available to in a flash execute. with crypto, fiat or stock. Platio's stage will be based on EOS innovation, fit for putting away the smooth, standard cooperations of Platio's multi-layered environment. Its computerized administration arrangement will be incorporated with this ground-breaking foundation and will work with electronic cash, fiat, and offers. The nonappearance of fit worldwide administrative systems for the deal and utilization of electronic cash has frustrated its application and the development of the worldwide market in computerized resources.

Why Plato
Customary banks are exceptionally specific in the administrations they give to encoded clients in their current managing an accountability framework. They didn't grasp the period of advanced coins or the method for improvement cryptoconversions. Being completely perfect, flexible and innovatively progressed, Platio takes care of this issue with simple access to the Platio biological community, utilizing the asset tokenization in light of EOS innovation and supporting three sorts of assets: cryptography, fiat and stocks. Specifically's, Platio will likely give answers for grave clients as takes after:

Platios highlights /features
Platio's application will be accessible on iOS and Android, and additionally an online application. Platio's keen keeping money biological system will comprise of an assortment of items and highlights that cooperate to give clients a consistent value-based process. Platio will tailor its items to the necessities of the two people and organizations, guaranteeing that both appreciate enhanced access to electronic cash exchanges.

Keeping in mind the end goal to shield the estimation of their portfolios and acknowledge benefits on their exceedingly scrambled resources, clients need to opportune trade their encryption resources with customary resources, and for Allows the capacity to switch quick the other way. In the Platio Ecosystem, clients will have the capacity to decide to rapidly change over their stocks into a conventional kind of benefit accessible in Platio.

Property security
Resource Guard underpins two sorts of shrewd contracts: Auto Exchange and Standby Transfer. The terms of the Asset Guard benefit are set in the interface, a fitting keen contract is set by the Platio App and is synchronized with Platio Blockchain. On the off chance that specific pre-set conditions are met, the procedure will dispatch promptly. Utilizing Asset Guard decreases the need to always screen your market or store your reinforcement states so approved individuals can get to your advantages in a crisis.

Platio installment card
Platio will give clients plastic and virtual installment cards issued by universal installment organizations. It is badly designed to keep a particular card for Bitcoin and another card for Ethereum or for all other electronic cash resources. Platio wants to create Platio Ecosystem to enable all encryption advantages for be facilitated on the Platio Ecosystem to effectively change over into fiat money to settle exchanges utilizing a coordinated trade. The client will simply choose the required substance and press the best catch. Platio installment cards will bolster reviving on both electronic and fiat cash.

Connected Platio
Applications, in its versatile and web variants, will speak with both the Platio Internal Core Banking
Stage and Platio Blockchain. It will fill in as the passage for clients of the Platio Smart Banking Ecosystem. It will likewise be an interface for keeping cash and pulling back electronically acknowledged all through your Platio account.

Platio Blockchain
Platio intends to manufacture a different Sidechain in light of EOS innovation and an arrangement of predefined keen contracts. The blockchain task will be kept up and effectively created by Platio.

The genuine PGAS ERC20 utility token will be utilized for exchanges inside the Platio Environment. Real salary is created in connection to Platio in light of the fact that every assertion can produce the likelihood of exchange wage or even participation pay.
 Increased requirements for the Symbol in light of the fact that the quantity of clients from the Platio Environment is developing, all the more month to month memberships are requested and more exchanges are probably going to be done. Consuming is related with half which is identified with Platio gains up to around 10% related with PGAS marriage parties watch out for remain in the blood circulation within the Platio Environment.

ICO structure
HARD CAP: 34,500,000 EUR
SOFT CAP: 5,000,000 EUR
Personal Pre-Sales BONUS / 20.08.2018 - 07.10.2018
Public Pre-Sales / 08.10.2018 - 21.10.2018
General Sales / 22.10.2018 - 04.11.2018


For more information visit the following link:

By. Gomugomunomi
ETH Address: 0x3779eC321d90CE5D5C7C3Cc86AaDab308dA8543f


BQT's goal is to build a crypto trader community and culture that utilizes our Platform, helps the community and benefits from the ...